Microsoft Edge Language Settings Location
How to Change Language of Microsoft Edge?
Click Three Dots for ‘Settings and More’ (or press Alt+F) in top right corner of Edge browser → Settings → Languages.
To Access the same settings in Microsoft Edge mobile browser, click ‘three dots’ (…) on bottom of phone screen, Settings → New tab page and click on ‘Region and language’ option.
Preferred Languages
You can customize your preferred languages in Edge browser. You can add your favorite language from the list such as English (US, UK, India, Australia etc), Chinese, Thai, Arabic, German, French.
You can add multiple preferred languages.
Click on three dots, next to the name of language for moving it up or down. You can also remove an already added language. Move your most preferred language at the top.
Translation and Spell Check of a Language
You should toggle ON the button next to ‘Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language I read’ option. For example, your preferred language is English, and you have opened a Chinese website, then the Edge browser will show you a popup dialog box for your permission to translate the Chinese webpage into your preferred English language.
Toggle the button ON next to the language for which you want the browser to alert you when you type word incorrectly.
You can also add some specific words (your name or business name) so that browser can add those words in local dictionary and avoid sending alerts for those words.
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